Friday, August 16, 2013

TV dilemma

I just finished watching the whole Season 1 of Perception and I'm wondering now if it's a good idea. *laughs* I was looking forward to watching it on the TV, you know, the excitement of having a real TV schedule to stick to? It's one of the things that I miss, especially when I'm in uni, there's no TV to watch, there's no shows to look forward to. There's only the laptop where I download shows that I know of and watch them. I don't get to be introduced to new shows, like Perception now. I will only be stuck to the ones I already know of. *sigh* 

This is why I prefer to be at home, one of the reasons anyway. Being able to watch TV is one of the freedom that I always associated with being at home. Of course there's nothing to watch in the daytime usually, but during the nighttime the shows on 8TV really isn't so bad, like Perception and the Mentalist (that I'm now currently trying to follow every week religiously). Who ever said following TV shows are bad? It just gives me something to look forward to every week. And trust me, with me having not much to do at night but to stay in front of the laptop in my room, an excuse to go out and spend time with my family is much appreciated, although I know some of you may say that I don't need a reason to spend time with them. True, I don't need one. But having one is appreciated all the same. 

I'm downloading the Perception Season 2's episode 7 and 8 now. I'm hoping to be able to resist watching it until I head to uni in three weeks. I miss Ange so much, but I have a feeling I'll be missing my family even more when I get back to uni. Give and take I guess. I wonder if I want to head to the Animagaki event that he will be performing in. My cousin's driving up there on Friday, I could stay until Sunday if I wanted to. I'm sure my mum would let. But to be honest, although I really want to see my man do what he does on stage, I don't want to lose any 'at home with family' time more than I will next time. I will be able to see Ange perform again. There will be that chance. But there might not be such a long holiday again for me to be with my family...and really, I don't want to waste what I have. So I guess I'm staying home.

Although, sad fact is, I'm so fickle that I change my thoughts a lot sometimes...

But I really feel that I should stay home. As mama said (a lot to me these few weeks - which makes sense), enjoy your holiday. Boy, I haven't heard that sentence in a loong loooooong while, I can assure you. I've never been allowed to sleep in this late before (naturally waking up is just so awesome). And I'm not about to stop that now.


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