Monday, October 28, 2013

Angry bursts...

Have you ever just felt like people look down upon you when you try to join in something that they're in? Have you ever felt like you just don't belong somehow, and there is no point trying to justify that you do belong? Have you ever felt like you want to have something superior, just so they take what they're thinking of and shove it up their tight arses? Call it pride, ego or whatever you choose to put it as. But regardless, it sucks when people are just being jackasses, whether they have a mental condition or not is not a consideration. Enough excuses are being made for this person and to be honest, I've had it.

For one moment just now, I wished that I could have telekinesis, or the ability to orb things. Seriously it would do me a lot of good. For one thing, so long I keep it a secret, I can mess things up for people in a way they won't know how. Things upturned, objects thrown around. And I can imagine it will be a very good pressure reliever, one closing of the fist and the stuff in that person's room gets destroyed, messed up and thrown about, ahhh...the satisfaction.

Pity all this can only be in my head. If only magic exists. It'll rub that stupid stare of that kid's face before the magician can say 'alakazam'. 

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